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Drake said,That was my man down at Alder s place. He contacted a deputy sheriff who gave him all the dope. It looks as though the same prowler that was down there Saturday night came back and went to work again. This time she didnt jump out of the window. The dog was shut up in the closet and when Aldersurprised her, she gave him the works with a thirty-eight caliber double-action revolver. Tell her that youll be by for her, Mason said. Then grab the paper and open it to property thats listed for sale in the classified ads. Find a place thats not too far away but a place that’s on the outskirts somewhere. He said an outfit called Douglas Chanson Associates found them for him. Ever hear of it? I might do a little speculating. Poor assholes, said Cowl. How was she dressed? They wont welcome you with loving arms, you understand. Not very. Id much prefer it if you did. Id rather look at her than you. Seven at Patroon. He hung up. Exactly, Mason said. Which indicates that the first shot was fired when he had his back turned. Then that shot was a miss. Lutts must have whirled at the sound of the shot. He saw the murderer standing there, holding a gun. He could have done either one of two things. He could have tried to run away or he could have charged toward the murderer. Apparently he charged. I had to quickly survey all the words in the English language so Id know what to say. I didnt want to sound shocked because that might hurt his feelings. And I didnt want to sound judgmental in any way because he’d been her real father all along. She said,He was going to make a settlement. He made it sound so convincing … I went down there just like he told me to. I found the gate open just as he said it would be. I walked in, went around to the side entrance, entered the study and found him lying there on the floor in a big pool of blood. I ran over to him and spoke to him. He didnt answer. I knelt down and felt his skin and then I knew he was dead. And just about that time I heard someone scream behind me. Well, I think… Both can be fudged, as you already conceded. And why havent you turned that over to the police? Before, you said I had you to thank for that. What does that mean? Got a match, mister? I said, all friendly and country..