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She moved closer and aimed the gun at his head for the kill shot. A western what? I remember now, Corsing said. He picked Atlanta. When they broadcast the news of the murder — now this is confidential, Perry; it hasnt been released to the public yet— There was dismay in her voice.I hadnt thought of that. Doesnt that sound familiar? Were you trying to listen for the second two? Abby said,Mind if I join you? A great believer in precedent, Della Street said. I think if he were ever confronted with a really novel situation hed faint. He runs to his law books, digs around like a mole and finally comes up with some case thats what he calls on all fours and was decided seventy-five or ahundred years ago. Judge Lankershim thought for a moment, then glanced over his glasses at Perry Mason.Well, Mr. Mason, whats the situation from your viewpoint? I think I have most of your views. Mr. Jackson made a rather complete presentation of the case when I was approached in chambers. Mr. Colton said he wanted time to correlate some other evidence. What? One by the name of Woodman& Weld, care of one Herbert Fisher, Esq. Even up here? I would take boring old JP Morgan over this kind of excitement. You didnt get the licence number of his car? Are you acquainted with a dog named Prince, a dog that was held by George S. Alder for the last few months of his lifeF Mason grinned.Just after Id finished telling Della Street what a whiz you were at digging up precedents that were in favor of our clients rather than against them. She slapped her cell phone down and shouted to a man standing next to the jukebox.Unplug it, Al. The woman, Devine noted, did not. Yes..