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Did you find any? Now then, Mason said, I want you to listen to this question carefully. Could that weapon which you found in there have been the weapon which Mrs. Roxy Claffin gave you on May thirtieth? And you knew Sara Ewes? I love that place. I was hoping you wouldnt see it. Ill be there in ten minutes. Stone hung up and turned to the owner again. Harvey, the cash will be here in ten minutes. While Im waiting, I’d like to see the title, the original title, the registration, and the original owner’s manual — and the original tool kit. Oh, and I’d like it filled up and your best helmet and delivered to my house in Manhattan tomorrow morning at ten. After she learned about Jess being fired on she wondered if Dave had had anything to do with it. As did her granddad. Shed seen me interviewed on TV as Jesss campaign manager. She called all the hotels to find out where I was staying. She went to my hotel but then got scared and ran off. She wondered if shed find Dave at the Skylight, a local hangout, which is why she went there. She set up the meeting with me at the boat dock but when her granddad heard about it he’d insisted on checking me out. Stone unlocked the door and made sure Dino was alone. The pollsters are calling it a statistical tie, and Im scheduled to be on MSNBC in four minutes, so Id better be at Rockefeller Center. Enough to find out whats going on. No, why? Technically, were closed. The old lady died a year ago and it took all the money I had to bury her. Dont have the money to pay for the lectricity in the cabins — just the house — so people don’t want to stay here when they find that out. Plus the stools’re kinda backed up. Your buddy Grimes is the first guest we’ve had in quite a while. He remembered stayin’ here when he was a teenager. Brought his girlfriend out here. Only place he could afford. He’s hidin’ out tonight so he don’t mind not havin’ lights.’ The last remark warranted his old-man laugh. Oh, I forgot to tell you: your bikes license plate arrived this morning. Well, I dont want to talk to them. What is it? Mason merely nodded. Just a moment. Indicating on this map by the words this road, what do you mean? Youre representing somebody, Elkins said. You didnt drop down out of a clear sky and buy stock in this company without any previous negotiations and at such a price Lutts didnt dare let the deal slip through his fingers by giving us first chance at the stock, the way we promised each other we would. The Case of the Nervous Accomplice The trick was simple enough. more lesbian.