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I dont suppose theres any way to know how long theyve been there, Stone said. Because shes dead and I was curious, he replied. The men were grouped around a little hole in the sand. That mustve been tough to take. Well, thanks for trying. Its the weirdest thing Ive ever seen. I mean, it doesnt even look like an email address. Then he turned and ran back into the house. He threw open windows everywhere and also the back door. He searched every inch of the space for Valentine, but the Russian was not there. Wow. The f-word. You guys sign the checks around here? I said. So maybe hes about to make his move. I guess it was a form of self-punishment. Force myself to do what I hate. Who sold? I was waiting for their eyes to start glowing the way the Devil-inclined do in horror movie posters. Had it been rented? No Well, Audrey isnt much of one to sneak around. No..