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Youre getting out of here, Mason told her. Judge Lankershim admitted you to twenty-five hundred dollars bail, and a surety company has put up the money. The van zoomed past him, blaring its horn all the way. And he knew it was Potter with her hand on it, her fury still fully engaged. I got a message from her killer. Yes, sir. Im bunking on the couch. Twohundred? But then Jess was in the doorway, saying,Cmon Ted, the governor and his wife want to say goodbye to us. And you wont tell us what you got for it? Wait a minute, Harlan, Mason said, Come back here. Maybe, a little, but I dont really think so. Where were you operating that cab at about four-forty-five on the afternoon of the day? For just a moment, her smile redeemed all the woes of the world. Mr. Mason, the witness said, this is putting me in a very uncomfortable position. I dont want to testify against my wife in this matter, and I— Okay. Dino turned up on time, and Fred served them clam chowder in the study. Cant you answer that question? Mason asked..