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Why would you ask that? Is it something Sara mentioned? He picked up the shotgun, and it felt light; it occurred to him that he had not loaded it. He opened the box of shells and shoved a handful into the weapon, but he didnt rack the slide. Go into your bathroom and sit in the tub, he said. “Dont turn on any lights. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom. He went to the door and put his ear against it. Nothing. He racked the slide, as a warning to whoever might be on the other side of the door, then he slowly turned the knob and flung open the door, shotgun at the ready, safety off. Sorry, like this, Stone said, pulling his right. If youre not sure its the guy, pull the other one. Freddie still isnt sure. All he knows is that they were very smooth and they had plenty of money and they werent afraid to use muscle. You have to go deeper than that, Devine. No one is implying that were stealing their money by Saras body being found there. But in the backs of their heads, clients will think,Do I risk it? Why go with them when I could go with Morgan Stanley or Merrill Lynch or one of their other competitors? And it doesnt take much to move the needle, because we all do basically the same thing. God, Im so glad you said that, Dev. Thank you so much. But with Michelle Montgomery, in the end, he had trusted her. And that trust had been amply rewarded. The two men glared at each other for a few seconds. Do you have an opinion as to the time of death? Devine was sitting at his cubicle when a message dropped into his business email box. No. And she couldnt have stayed too long. Earl, the guy who owns the place, was already cutting the lights. I wish there was more I could tell you. I was thinking that, too, but now I seriously doubt that actually happened, said Devine. She was estranged from her parents. They were Christian missionaries, and I dont think they would have had any interest in or understanding of any part of Saras world. Ive waited a long time to get Showalter. I... I dont think I have to answer that question. Youd better talk with the manager personally, Mason said. Tell him that I'll appreciate some prompt action on this..