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Yes, thereis a chance, the witness admitted. A slip of paper came out? Why, shop, of course. What did you think? Hamilton Burger started to get to his feet, then changed his mind and remained seated. Well, to be fair to the owner, the scratches were all fresh. I presume that… Im sorry, I forgot I cant testify to an opinion. Im a little surprised, he said. Okay, prove it, Herbie said. She could tell usexactly when the murder was committed. The autopsy surgeon can place the time within twenty minutes— and twenty minutes is twenty minutes. Della Street, who had been waiting for a break in the conversation, said,Before you go, Chief, you might take a look at this. What about it? Yes, I said, maybe I do mean that. But what can you do about it? Your boss said the whole thing might come tumbling down because of a bunch of corrupt politicians. Oh, what fun, I said. I didnt know her name until I overheard you talking to her outside the town house. I understand he has set up a foundation of sorts to look into all kinds of interesting things. I guess he can afford an airplane ticket, then. Part One Max quanes house out in the Bannockburn section of Bethesda, Maryland, was a block and a half off Wilson Boulevard. It was a medium-sized, wide-eaved, one-story house built of dark red used brick with a shake shingle roof. Its front lawn was green and neatly mowed and there were four or five tall elms that helped give the place a permanent, steady look — as if it were occupied by a family whose breadwinner was predestined to get his GS 14 by Christmas. People, she said slowly, drawing the two syllables out. Now then, Enright Harlan loaned you a revolver?.