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The two men walked over, one of them pulled back his coat, showed his star.All right, Carmen, he said, “thats enough. Get your things on. Youre coming with us. Someone wants to ask you questions. It could only have been after — afterwards. I can tell you one thing, Mr. Mason —that gun never killed George Lutts. I was confused. Theres a sticker on your bumper. Were you dating her? Did you have sex with her? People are careless about that, Stone said. Jess, cmon. Get serious here. Youre getting good at this stuff, noted Devine. hot young naked guys The others murmured protest. Yes, sir. Who? Sergeant Young, Stone said. No. Now tell me again why you threw the bottle. Who you really are? Im shocked youve been holding out on me. Then someone opened the rear door on Stones side. Anybody alive in there? a man asked. So all that the signatures on this envelope mean is that the men who were with you, at your suggestion, signed an empty envelope on the theory that they could in that way identify the purse when it was introduced in evidence, and left it to you to put the purse in the envelope, at a later date..