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Yes. Maybe we should talk it over, I said, raising my voice just a little. A buddy? said Campbell, a look of alarm on his face. Dino put his phone away.How do I get some of that? he asked. And then? Della Street asked. Stone walked into his bedroom and found a note on his bedside table. Joan must have left it for him. The letter itself was written on the back of some kind of supermarket flier. No fancy-pants stationery for Grimes. And it was written with a ballpoint pen that was running out of ink. Some words were imprinted more heavily than others. I could see and hear him shaking the pen impatiently and cursing it out as if it were a human being. Cindy had quite the granddad. Hold on a minute; I need to speak to one of our drudges in accounting. Where were you aiming? Drive by at this speed, Dino said. Dont slow down. I just want to see where the SUV parked. At all times, Lance said, save when we actually came calling on the Vineyard. Chapter Twenty Not at all, I said and headed for the door with Murfin close behind me. When we reached his office I picked up the phone and said hello. It was my sister and she sounded frantic, or as near to frantic as Audrey would ever permit herself to be. Then,I guess I could give it a shot. The doors closed behind Paulson, leaving Devine and Montgomery all alone. She was dressed for the office, not the pool. Dark pinstriped jacket and slacks, white blouse, no hint of cleavage, two-inch pumps, hair parted and a little slicked back on the sides. Her tan wasnt as vivid under artificial light..