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I dont know yet, but Doxey certainly changed his attitude. I said I made a mistake. A bad one. Mason said,For heaven sakes wake up, pay attention to me. Lets get this stuff over with. Answer the. question, cant you? It would seem that you are deliberately trying to distract my attention in order to gain time. Ted loved being on TV. Some in the press (even the so-calledliberal press; if only they really were all that liberal) felt that the two had a Bill and Hillary Clinton problem. He was bright and shallow, known to stray from the marriage vows most folks attempt to honor. Hed always wondered why Bill Clinton had gotten in trouble over a simple blow job. What the hell? Who hasnt gotten a blow job here or there?’ I assumed he never asked Jess this question. Chapter Six I know Ive seen you at work. Youre...? she began, picking an olive out with her fingers and biting it in half. She added sheepishly, Im sorry, I don’t remember. Yes? There was that about Slick. You didnt have to spend the afternoon explaining things to him. He thought for a moment, working up his pitch, I assumed, then picked up the phone, dialed, and after a few more moments got through to Warner B. Gallops. It was a pleasure to listen to Slick sell. First he was charming, then he was winning, and finally he was convincing — especially when he lied, which he did beautifully, particularly about what a valuable contribution I was making to the investigation. You are a director of the Sylvan Glade Development Company and a stockholder in that company? My pleasure, I said. She hit another key and a second screen came up. She pointed to it. Dorley Alder smiled, said,This little window dressing, Mr. Mason, this story about the stolen gems. Thats all right for the public, but for you and me the situation is different. Stone switched channels and got more of the same.My kingdom for some political reportage, Stone said aloud. Whats the matter? Do Nortons dissolve in the rain? Number two was that Ted, for all his paranoia, did not seem to understand therealimplication of Showalters theorizing. Stamos was quiet for a few moments.Are you going straight home, or can we get a bite to eat and maybe have a drink? I thought we could talk. You know. About Sara... and stuff. Wouldve taken some strength to string the woman up like that. Dead weight, no pun intended. "I was, yes, sir..